Friday, January 28, 2011

The Joy of Cycles for you

Begin: Shivasana - Laying down, heels together, arms by your side, palms facing upward. With each exhale let your entire body melt through the floor. Let go and melt until every cell in your body is completely relaxed, alowing each to cell melt over the next. Give yourself a few minutes. Now melt even more!

Next: Roll to your left side and stand.

Surya Namaskar (The Sun Salutation*) includes 12 different positions, they are:

1 - Inhale and maintain the position as shown in figure in standing position with hands joined together near chest, feet together and toes touching each other.

2 - Raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.

3 - Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Exhale and bend forward in the waist till palms touch the ground in line with the toes. Don't bend knees while performing. At first you may find it difficult to attain the ideal position but try to bend as much as possible without bending in knees.

4 - Inhale and take the left leg back with left toes on the floor, press the waist downwards and raise the neck, stretch the chest forward and push shoulders backwards. Keep the right leg and both the hands in the same position. Keep the right leg folded.

5 - Adho Mukha Svanasana Hold the breath and raise the knee of left leg. Take the right leg backwards and keep it close to the left leg. Straighten both the legs and both hands. Keep the neck straight and site fixed. Keep both the toes erect. Take care that the neck, spine, thighs and the feet are in a straight line. - "Dog Facing Down"

6 - Ashtanga Exhaling bend both the hands in elbows and touch forehead on the ground, touch the knees on the ground, keep both the elbows close to chest. The forehead, chest, both the palms, both the toes, knees should touch the ground and rest of the body not touching the floor. Since only eight parts rest on the ground , it is called "Ashtanga" position.

7 - Naga asana Inhale and straighten the elbows, stretch the shoulders upwards, press the waist downwards but don't bend the arms. Keep the knees and toes on the floor. Push the neck backwards and look upwards.

8 - Hold the breath, bend the neck downwards and press the chin in the throat, push the body backwards and touch the heels on the ground, raise the waist upwards, do not move the palms on the floor.

9 - Hold the breath as in position 8, bring the left leg to the front and place it in between the hands while the right foot stays in place with the right knee and right toes touch the ground.

10 - Exhale and bring the right leg forward as in position 3 and place it in between both the arms.

11 - Raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.

12 - Hands joined together near chest, feet together and toes touching each other.

Optional Repeat: Roll to your left side and stand...
Completing 1 Cycle:
Shivasana - Laying down, heels together, arms by your side, palms facing upward, breath in and out, letting your entire body melt through the floor. Let go until every cell in your body is completely relaxed, as though you are melting through the floor. Give yourself a few minutes. Now relax and melt even more!

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